Saturday, May 21, 2011

It will take sacrifice to defeat the evil of child sex slavery

From a biblical perspective it is easily seen that evil is only overcome by sacrifice.  However, this biblical truth has also been confirmed in the historical fight against slavery.  The victories achieved have only come through sacrifice, the sacrifice of many.

So what is sacrifice?  Webster defines sacrifice as “the surrender of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered having a higher or more pressing claim.”  But I believe that definition falls short of the sacrifice necessary to defeat child sex slavery.  From Webster's definition we might think of giving up something we want as sacrifice.  But true sacrifice, the sacrifice that free slaves, results from sacrificing from what we have or need.  This true sacrifice is painful.  Still, if we are willing to endure that pain, the pain of giving up what we need or have (time, talent, and treasure) children will be set free from an unimaginable horror.  Personally, I cannot think of a thing I have that is more prized or desirable than that.  Now I but pray for the strength to live out that belief. 

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